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Deck Remodeling Contractors

Alleviate signs of wear and maximize the safety, beauty, and longevity of your deck with Five Star Deck Service. When minor restorations fall short, our deck remodeling provides the perfect solution to breathe new life into your outdated exterior structure. Choose the best for your home with our deck remodeling contractors in Annapolis, MD.

Trusted Deck Remodeling, Restoration, & Repair

Tap into the beauty of nature from the comfort of your home with Five Star Deck Service. With unmatched experience and a commitment to the highest standards of quality, we are your partner in premium deck solutions. From deck remodeling to deck restoration and repair, we’re here to revitalize your outdoor living space.

Understanding Deck Remodeling

Even well-maintained decks will begin to display signs of wear and deterioration after a couple of years with consistent exposure to the elements. Rather than tear down your deck, you may opt for deck remodeling. Deck remodeling involves replacing worn deck components and upgrading hardware and decorative features to preserve the deck’s original structure.

Deck Remodels vs Deck Restorations

Many believe that deck remodels and deck restorations are interchangeable terms. While both services share a common theme of improvement, deck remodeling and restoration involve very different approaches. Deck restoration refers to cleaning, minor crack remediation, sanding, and staining. In contrast, deck remodeling involves a near-complete deck overhaul.

The Right Choice for Your Home

If your deck is mostly in good condition but could use a refresh, deck restoration may suffice. If more than 20% of the deck boards are showing signs of rot, cracks, splintering, or wear, deck remodeling is the more cost-effective option. Deck remodel services mitigate recurring repairs to preserve your deck’s integrity and value.

What to Expect From Deck Remodeling

Deck remodel services involve removing and replacing all of the horizontal deck boards. Our deck remodeling contractors use their extensive industry connections to source only the highest-quality lumber or composite materials for maximized stability and visual appeal. From there, we assess the deck’s frame, connections, and hardware and adjust or upgrade components as needed.

Custom-Tailored Deck Remodel Services

Whether you’re seeking to upgrade the look of your deck or eliminate visible deterioration, Five Star Deck Service has you covered. We take a collaborative approach to deck remodels. Our experts work closely with you to understand your functional requirements, aesthetic preferences, and budget to develop deck remodeling plans that exceed your expectations.


A Focus on Safety & Compliance

Outdated decks are more than an eyesore. Worn wood and faulty hardware can result in numerous safety hazards. To prevent accidents and injuries, we prioritize safety and compliance. Our deck remodeling process adheres to all applicable building codes and safety regulations to foster secure results that boast years of safety and enjoyment.

Discover Long-Term Durability

Deck remodel services are the key to restoring the durability of your deck. Our experts begin our process with a meticulous inspection to identify areas of concern. This enables us to swap out faulty deck boards and worn hardware with modern upgrades. Combining masterful techniques and high-quality equipment, our deck remodeling amplifies your deck’s lifespan and stability.

Our Deck Remodeling Process

Experience a seamless approach to deck remodeling with Five Star Deck Service. To garner top-quality results, our professionals employ a tried-and-true, multistep remodeling process that includes:
• Initial consultation
• Site assessment and deck inspection
• Personalized recommendations and deck remodel design
• Site preparation and permitting
• Deck board removal and replacement
• Framing inspection
• Final quality assurance inspection and clean-up

Benefits of Deck Remodeling

Deck remodeling requires greater initial expenditure but can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. These services alleviate worn deck elements to boost your deck’s safety while extending its durability, stability, and longevity. Furthermore, deck remodeling doubles as a cosmetic enhancement, elevating your home’s aesthetic flair and increasing your overall property value.

Contact Our Deck Remodeling Contractors for a Free Estimate

Experience the transformative power of deck remodel services with Five Star Deck Service. If you’re ready to experience the gold standard of deck remodeling contractors, our team in Annapolis, MD, has you covered. To schedule your free deck consultation and estimate, contact our friendly experts today.

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